How Much Does A New Website Cost

New Website Costs

One of the most common and confusing questions for small businesses is how much does a website cost. There are some standard prices that you will get depending on what you want. This article covers three of the basic levels of website development.

Free Websites

You can get a website for free through WordPress or a service like Wix or Squarespace. This is a good option if you like to create your own website. Most small business owners are not web developers so the end result is not great but they have a website. You can also sign up for extras and pay a monthly fee.

Mid-Level Websites

The next level is to hire a small website development agency or freelance developer. This type of website is a personalized website that is based on a pre-built theme. The developer will take your marketing information and personalize your site. This is great for small to mid-size companies and can range from $3000 – $6000 plus a monthly fee that averages around $50 for security updates and hosting.

High-End Custom Websites

This type of website is a fully customized site that contains everything that you need for your business. You would typically have many planning meetings with the agency or developer and this website would be integrated fully into your overall marketing plan. These sites usually start at $10,000 and there is no limit to the money that you can put in to this site.


The range of website pricing is very wide. If you have technical abilities and some time you can get a nice website for free or a low monthly payment. If you have your marketing content together and know what you want you can get a website for $3000 – $6000 + . If you need a fully customized site you will pay a minimum of $10,000. We offer a personalized website option for $49.99/month that includes hosting.

Contact us for more information.